Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers / Speech-Language Pathologist health care providers in South Dakota
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 197,102 Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers / Speech-Language Pathologist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In South Dakota, there are about 627 Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers / Speech-Language Pathologist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aamot, Glenadene | Beresford, SD | 1467604215 |
Aarstad, Jill M | MA | Tyndall, SD | 1245566835 |
Abbas, Lindsey Diane | CCC-SLP | Brookings, SD | 1336477116 |
Aberdeen School District | Aberdeen, SD | 1396940078 |
Abigail Carol Berndt | Aberdeen, SD | 1548987688 |
Abts, Kendra | Mitchell, SD | 1770123275 |
Accelerate | Sioux Falls, SD | 1710233762 |
Adams, Michaelene Joy | MA | Vermillion, SD | 1508218181 |
Ahrendt, Kelli | MA | Sioux Falls, SD | 1548749195 |
Allgrunn, Sherrie | SLPMACCC | Elk Point, SD | 1417226192 |
Ambur, Bridget | MA | Fort Pierre, SD | 1497061758 |
Amo, Mallory Ellen | MA | Rapid City, SD | 1619642725 |
Anderson, Autumn Dawn | CCC-SLP | Belle Fourche, SD | 1811500598 |
Anderson, Ellie | Rapid City, SD | 1528570165 |
Anderson, Lindsey | MA | Aurora, SD | 1649949926 |
Anderson, Stefanie | Rapid City, SD | 1912309220 |
Anderson-Smith Speech Therapy, Llc | Sioux Falls, SD | 1407263767 |
Anderson-Smith, Vanessa | Salem, SD | 1033487053 |
Andresen, Dawn Marie | MA | Sioux Falls, SD | 1932308608 |
Archambeau, Heather | SLP | Rapid City, SD | 1043380462 |
Archer, Macy | MA | Brandon, SD | 1225376650 |
Arnoldy, Kristen Maryirella | CCC-SLP | Aberdeen, SD | 1467860981 |
Avera Mckennan | Sioux Falls, SD | 1629499132 |
Avera Queen Of Peace | Mitchell, SD | 1922448034 |
Avera St Luke'S | Aberdeen, SD | 1619355633 |
Avera St. Mary'S | Pierre, SD | 1972082683 |
Badlands Therapy Services | Rapid City, SD | 1386100964 |
Barbera, Laura | MS, CCC, SLP | Rapid City, SD | 1750435004 |
Barnett, Judy | Wagner, SD | 1457709362 |
Barnhart, Kelli | Mitchell, SD | 1730675323 |
Barrett, Tracy | SPEECH PATHOLOGIST | Rapid City, SD | 1750825055 |
Barrie, Brandi Keikilani | Sioux Falls, SD | 1578341764 |
Baxter, Carolyn | CF-SLP | Sioux Falls, SD | 1720763931 |
Beck, Courtney Jane | CCC-SLP | Rapid City, SD | 1942991070 |
Becker, Hanna | SLP | Big Stone City, SD | 1164070553 |
Beers, Susan Claire | CCC/SLP | Sioux Falls, SD | 1164613030 |
Bender, Lea Ann | MS CCC | Aberdeen, SD | 1497915656 |
Bent, Vicki | SLP | Aberdeen, SD | 1063792844 |
Bergeleen, Laura | M.A., CCC-SLP | Platte, SD | 1902351505 |
Bernard, Jamie Anne | MA | North Sioux City, SD | 1588816839 |
Berreth, Koni | MS, CCC-SLP | Rapid City, SD | 1659912400 |
Berry Speech Therapy | Rapid City, SD | 1770926719 |
Bibby, Meghan | Brookings, SD | 1427501550 |
Big Stone Therapies, Inc | Big Stone City, SD | 1124044656 |
Bingham, Paula Marie | MA | Sioux Falls, SD | 1215092960 |
Birdsall, Kelli Jo | M.S., CCC-SLP | Rapid City, SD | 1811271331 |
Bischoff, Jill | MA | Brookings, SD | 1770002669 |
Bishop, Bethany Grace | Rapid City, SD | 1508358276 |
Bjerk, Trista | SLP | Big Stone City, SD | 1285307330 |
Black Hills Behavior, Llc | Rapid City, SD | 1619442522 |
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