Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers / Speech-Language Pathologist health care providers in Vermont
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 197,102 Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers / Speech-Language Pathologist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Vermont, there are about 335 Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers / Speech-Language Pathologist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Abbiati, Claudia | M.S. CCC-SLP | Burlington, VT | 1396281614 |
Achor, Alison Aileen | MS CCC SLP | West Pawlet, VT | 1063685691 |
Adams, Lauren | Bennington, VT | 1821462250 |
Addison County Home Health& Hospice, Inc. | New Haven, VT | 1609648146 |
Afonso, Ana Maria | Arlington, VT | 1295248078 |
Aitken, Dorothy A | SLP- CCC | South Burlington, VT | 1396073763 |
Alexandra Dezenzo Slp Pc | Burlington, VT | 1609460773 |
Amblo, Rebecca | CCC/SLP | Saint Albans, VT | 1245793033 |
Anderson, Kayla Marie | SLP | St Johnsbury, VT | 1154105518 |
Antonacci, Kristy Lyn | M.S., CF-SLP | Barre, VT | 1962920439 |
Arsenault, Katherine Dorothy | MA | Saint Albans, VT | 1235864661 |
Asper, Mary B | MS, CCC-SLP | Johnson, VT | 1649640624 |
Associates In Physical And Occupational Therapy | Williston, VT | 1093897464 |
Baker, Nancy Ellen | NANCY BAKER, PH.D. | Shelburne, VT | 1548598006 |
Balanced Speech Therapy | White River Junction, VT | 1811634512 |
Barasch, Charles | CCC-SLP | Plainfield, VT | 1720377427 |
Barone, Jacqueline | Williston, VT | 1790469773 |
Beaulieu, Cheryl Anne | MS-CCC/SLP | Windsor, VT | 1174825392 |
Behrendt, Whitney Anderson | CCC-SLP | Rutland, VT | 1962761585 |
Bennett, Kimberly | Vergennes, VT | 1104110824 |
Berue, Adrienne | MA | Burlington, VT | 1992431225 |
Bizzarro, Julia | MA | Rutland, VT | 1265090823 |
Blair, Andrea | MA | Rutland, VT | 1548661952 |
Bonazinga, Laura Anne | M.S., SLP-CCC | South Burlington, VT | 1346561156 |
Bonnici, Rebecca | SLP | Burlington, VT | 1780914911 |
Borden, Sally Eleanor | Middlebury, VT | 1760938526 |
Boyle, Hilary Frost | MS CCC-SLP | New Haven, VT | 1144000407 |
Boyle, Lakshmi Joshi | M.S., CCC-SLP | Colchester, VT | 1457460891 |
Breau, Alisa | SLP | Cornwall, VT | 1083977177 |
Breen, Jennifer Labelle | MS/CCC-SLP | Manchester Center, VT | 1093017782 |
Brien, Ashley Rae | M.S., CCC-SLP | Derby, VT | 1831633874 |
Brigham, Tiffany Stuart | M.S., CCC-SLP | South Burlington, VT | 1912444894 |
Brink, Courtney Joy | M.S., CCC-SLP | Colchester, VT | 1215251681 |
Brooks, Jamie | MS, CCC-SLP | Saint Albans, VT | 1770094781 |
Brua, Ashley Elizabeth | Rutland, VT | 1548742497 |
Bullock, Kelsey | SLP | Rutland, VT | 1922865740 |
Burakowski, Kacey Leigh | Elmore, VT | 1184939704 |
Burke-Bendzunas, Mollie M | M.S., CCC-SLP | Williston, VT | 1245526011 |
Burns, Kami | Guildhall, VT | 1518181072 |
Bushey, Meredith Shannon | M.S., CCC-SLP | Colchester, VT | 1588038756 |
Byrne, Serah Jean | Readsboro, VT | 1073355376 |
Campbell, Jennifer Nicole | CCC-SLP | Saint Albans, VT | 1811540701 |
Cannizzaro, Lisa | MS, CCC-SLP | Essex Junction, VT | 1992911242 |
Cannizzaro, Michael S | PHD | Burlington, VT | 1972636967 |
Cannon, Laura Oakes | SLP | St Johnsbury, VT | 1558039818 |
Capossela, Cynthia Legier | MA | Essex Junction, VT | 1942539416 |
Card, Alison | MS, CCC-SLP | South Burlington, VT | 1801153465 |
Carey, Lisa Font | MS CCC-SLP | Colchester, VT | 1427304427 |
Carrara, Tammara | M.S. CCC-SLP | Rutland, VT | 1609175181 |
Carver, Kathryn | CCC-SLP | Colchester, VT | 1851765077 |
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