- Community/Behavioral Health
NPI Lookup for Community/Behavioral Health doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 76,675 community/behavioral health organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
A Better ChoiceLBN: A Better Choice
Washington, DC |
1154173912 |
A Health SolutionLBN: A Health Solution
Washington, DC |
1093552952 |
A Health SolutionLBN: A Health Solution
Washington, DC |
1780447722 |
A Little More Support IncLBN: A Little More Support Inc
Washington, DC |
1730852534 |
A Piece Of Mind, Inc.LBN: A Piece Of Mind, Inc.
Washington, DC |
1740592096 |
Abange, Mirabel Akonaka
Washington, DC |
1235814989 |
Abebe, Mahlet
Washington, DC |
1174200422 |
Ability Community Healthcare Services, LlcLBN: Ability Community Healthcare Services, Llc
Washington, DC |
1790377877 |
Abundant Grace Health Services LlcLBN: Abundant Grace Health Services Llc
Washington, DC |
1982182150 |
Ace Support IncLBN: Ace Support Inc
Washington, DC |
1104485267 |
Acha, Charlotte Mbah
Washington, DC |
1992400519 |
Acha, Kenneth Cheng
Washington, DC |
1619662145 |
Acha, Mispa Ambei
Washington, DC |
1629753306 |
Acha, Rashel Aboh
Washington, DC |
1053096552 |
Acha, Roland Teche
Washington, DC |
1124722814 |
Achandung, Alain
Washington, DC |
1013603356 |
Achu, Elma M
Washington, DC |
1629762547 |
Achu, Noela Endam
Washington, DC |
1366780512 |
Adedokun, Omowunmi B
Washington, DC |
1770842999 |
Aderibigbe, Tinuke Moyosore
Washington, DC |
1861197543 |
Adetokunbo, Dennis
Washington, DC |
1043906225 |
Adiang Assoue, Thomas Germain
Washington, DC |
1770288813 |
Adoptions Together Inc.LBN: Adoptions Together Inc.
Washington, DC |
1023415122 |
Adorn Healthcare IncLBN: Adorn Healthcare Inc
Washington, DC |
1164982401 |
Adside, Jamaal
Washington, DC |
1336828318 |
Advanced Behavioral Care, LlcLBN: Advanced Behavioral Care, Llc
Washington, DC |
1720742737 |
Affect Optimum Behavioral Health, LlcLBN: Affect Optimum Behavioral Health, Llc
Washington, DC |
1841840733 |
Affordable Health Care Services LlcLBN: Affordable Health Care Services Llc
Washington, DC |
1245693464 |
Affordable Health Services LlcLBN: Affordable Health Services Llc
Washington, DC |
1922641414 |
Afolabi, Idayat
Washington, DC |
1326307273 |
Afungchwi, Nestor
Washington, DC |
1235816307 |
Agape Community Social Services, IncLBN: Agape Community Social Services, Inc
Washington, DC |
1053686766 |
Agien Cyprian, Moundu
Washington, DC |
1114478377 |
Aging In Motion, Inc.LBN: Aging In Motion, Inc.
Washington, DC |
1033992870 |
Agwo, Sylvie Angum
Washington, DC |
1356833610 |
Ahmed, Susan Sarah
Washington, DC |
1306444773 |
Aim Health InstituteLBN: Aim Health Institute
Washington, DC |
1528542289 |
Aim-MovementLBN: Aim-Movement
Washington, DC |
1902598295 |
Ajuata,, Jane-Claire
Washington, DC |
1356605885 |
Akah, Sally Amang
Washington, DC |
1962972901 |
Akande-Yakubu, Abosede
Washington, DC |
1649974775 |
Akeke, Christopher Ugbong
Washington, DC |
1780309401 |
Akinbola, Olumuyiwa Olubunmi
Washington, DC |
1124728704 |
Akinjo, Olanrewaju Jones
Washington, DC |
1154008183 |
Akinsiku, Oluwafolajimi Oluwasijibomi
Washington, DC |
1043998081 |
Akintade, Thompson Akintomide
Washington, DC |
1477257384 |
Akintimehin, Aishat
Washington, DC |
1295436541 |
Akinya, Funke Tope
Washington, DC |
1851077622 |
Akoma Counseling Concepts, LlcLBN: Akoma Counseling Concepts, Llc
Washington, DC |
1528571502 |
Akonjang, Susan Beteck
Washington, DC |
1235408857 |
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Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.