- Community/Behavioral Health
NPI Lookup for Community/Behavioral Health doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 76,675 community/behavioral health organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
Achieving Opportunities, LlcLBN: Achieving Opportunities, Llc
Casper, WY |
1477973436 |
Aerie Behavioral Services, LlcLBN: Aerie Behavioral Services, Llc
Pinedale, WY |
1306534342 |
Alliance Christian Counseling, LlcLBN: Alliance Christian Counseling, Llc
Cody, WY |
1407236060 |
Alpenglow Counseling Services, LlcLBN: Alpenglow Counseling Services, Llc
Jackson, WY |
1679701312 |
Alpenglow Wellness, Inc.LBN: Alpenglow Wellness, Inc.
Laramie, WY |
1821206129 |
Alyce Peters CmsLBN: Alyce Peters Cms
Riverton, WY |
1174846737 |
Amber G. Sankey, LlcLBN: Amber G. Sankey, Llc
Laramie, WY |
1366981912 |
Anderson, Jessica
Laramie, WY |
1902463771 |
Andreen, Ciley T
Thermopolis, WY |
1629704820 |
Andrews, Matthew
Laramie, WY |
1316321664 |
Ark Regional Services, IncLBN: Ark Regional Services, Inc
Laramie, WY |
1407939218 |
Arnold, Kristi
Cheyenne, WY |
1477931962 |
Aspen Creek Counseling Associates, LlcLBN: Aspen Creek Counseling Associates, Llc
Casper, WY |
1023263159 |
Assem, Dalia
Cheyenne, WY |
1437761194 |
Bacon, June L
Wheatland, WY |
1114761095 |
Ballance, Tanja Lee
Rock Springs, WY |
1548997562 |
Bar B Ranch & LivestockLBN: Bar B Ranch & Livestock
Burlington, WY |
1477929560 |
Barrows, Heather
Riverton, WY |
1598124489 |
Bebout, Richard Doug
Riverton, WY |
1780201483 |
Benner, Linda Marie
Rock Springs, WY |
1548988405 |
Benson, Brooke Lynn
Laramie, WY |
1023100336 |
Best Home Health & HospiceLBN: Best Home Health
Evanston, WY |
1780615716 |
Bettis, Brooke
Casper, WY |
1578224481 |
Big Horn County CounselingLBN: Big Horn County Counseling
Lovell, WY |
1699942003 |
Birdsell, Kaleigh
Laramie, WY |
1740703396 |
Birkle, Christina
Cheyenne, WY |
1437894052 |
Blue Sky CounselingLBN: Blue Sky Counseling
Riverton, WY |
1861845083 |
Bond, Arete
Laramie, WY |
1528532199 |
Braun, Mae
Powell, WY |
1205523479 |
Breakthrough Counseling ServicesLBN: Breakthrough Counseling Services
Afton, WY |
1770082042 |
Brewster, Jessie
Laramie, WY |
1588150692 |
Brio And Balance CounselingLBN: Brio And Balance Counseling
Powell, WY |
1851795538 |
Briscoe, Nacona
Sheridan, WY |
1851046692 |
Briscoe, Staci
Basin, WY |
1992427066 |
Brosious, Jennifer
Cheyenne, WY |
1871999045 |
Brown, Maurisha
Casper, WY |
1548935018 |
Burton, Brea
Casper, WY |
1265013403 |
Behavioral Health ServicesLBN: Campbell County Hospital District
Gillette, WY |
1881730141 |
Campbell, Troy Matthew
Evansville, WY |
1053092031 |
Caritas Mental Health LlcLBN: Caritas Mental Health Llc
Gillette, WY |
1750730339 |
Carpenter, Julie
Gillette, WY |
1235506403 |
Castellaw, Hanah Jay
Torrington, WY |
1235750902 |
Cathedral Home For ChildrenLBN: Cathedral Home For Children
Laramie, WY |
1356588727 |
Cedar Ridge Child And Family CounselingLBN: Cedar Ridge Child And Family Counseling
Casper, WY |
1659826444 |
Center For Solutions, LlcLBN: Center For Solutions, Llc
Gillette, WY |
1821612698 |
Cg Mental Health Inc.LBN: Cg Mental Health Inc.
Powell, WY |
1417336470 |
Christoffersen, Emma B
Worland, WY |
1619612330 |
Ciara Coral LlcLBN: Ciara Coral Llc
Cheyenne, WY |
1245918978 |
Clear Creek Counseling LlcLBN: Clear Creek Counseling Llc
Gillette, WY |
1083937486 |
Client Solutions, P.C.LBN: Client Solutions, P.C.
Worland, WY |
1992337349 |
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Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.