Residential Treatment Facilities
- Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility
Residential Treatment Facilities
NPI Lookup for Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 12,444 substance abuse rehabilitation facility organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
Dakotah Pride Center Sisseton Wahpeton OyateLBN: Dakotah Pride Center Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate
Sisseton, SD |
1508900507 |
Dalack, John Donald
Jupiter, FL |
1851751945 |
Trinity River Recovery CenterLBN: Dallas Behavioral Health Llc
Dallas, TX |
1730817891 |
Dallas Detox CenterLBN: Dallas Detox Center
Weatherford, TX |
1689392987 |
Dallmann, Daniel
Lincoln, NE |
1740656248 |
Dalton, Melanie
Detroit, MI |
1952009011 |
Damascus House IncLBN: Damascus House Inc
Brooklyn Park, MD |
1619053345 |
Damascus House, Inc.LBN: Damascus House, Inc.
Brooklyn Park, MD |
1578918751 |
Damascus Landing LlcLBN: Damascus Landing Llc
Sugar Land, TX |
1437879996 |
House Of HealingLBN: Damascus Road
Brooklyn, NY |
1659673663 |
Bridges To Life DetoxLBN: Damascus Road, Llc
Anaheim, CA |
1154875185 |
Damon House Inc.LBN: Damon House Inc.
New Brunswick, NJ |
1851874291 |
Damon House New York, Inc.LBN: Damon House New York, Inc.
Brooklyn, NY |
1154669661 |
Damon House, Inc.LBN: Damon House, Inc.
Paterson, NJ |
1619969581 |
Dana Point Detox LlcLBN: Dana Point Detox Llc
Dana Point, CA |
1598392417 |
Dana Point Rehab CampusLBN: Dana Point Rehab Campus
Dana Point, CA |
1922548452 |
Dana Point Rehab CampusLBN: Dana Point Rehab Campus Group Llc
Dana Point, CA |
1649867797 |
Dana Shores RecoveryLBN: Dana Shores Recovery
San Juan Capistrano, CA |
1952174849 |
Danadic, Ashley
Warren, OH |
1346732062 |
Daniel, Kevin
Detroit, MI |
1124237862 |
Daniels, Isiah
San Rafael, CA |
1386156560 |
Dantone, Rebecca Guidry
Mandeville, LA |
1861944696 |
Dara Ii IncLBN: Dara Ii Inc
Mesa, AZ |
1073179883 |
Dare U To Care Outreach MinistriesLBN: Dare U To Care Outreach Ministries
Los Angeles, CA |
1144571290 |
Dare U To Care Outreach MinistriesLBN: Dare U To Care Outreach Ministries
Los Angeles, CA |
1265775449 |
Darling, Edith
Pasadena, CA |
1669239679 |
Darnell, Jacqueline
Detroit, MI |
1417499302 |
Darrin'S Place LlcLBN: Darrin'S Place Llc
Espanola, NM |
1821633587 |
Darrins Place IncLBN: Darrins Place Inc
Espanola, NM |
1447890710 |
Das Ii Residential CareLBN: Das Ii Residential Care
Detroit, MI |
1245426915 |
Dash Mindfulness ServicesLBN: Dash Mindfulness Services
Houston, TX |
1093410078 |
Dasshh Behavioral ServicesLBN: Dasshh Behavioral Services
Baltimore, MD |
1932966397 |
Dave StadlerLBN: Dave Stadler
Anaheim, CA |
1790071298 |
Davey, Heather
Lincoln, NE |
1366808958 |
Davey, Kurt
Canton, MI |
1275069502 |
Davey, Michael
Warren, OH |
1851047427 |
Future InnovationsLBN: David F Curtis
Fairmont, NC |
1538345491 |
David J. Riordan'S Hobie HouseLBN: David J. Riordan'S Hobie House
Merced, CA |
1861820029 |
David'S Loft Clinical ProgramLBN: David'S Loft Clinical Program
Baltimore, MD |
1720774631 |
Davidson, Jennifer Helen
North Palm Beach, FL |
1174168587 |
Davidson, Tracey
Lincoln, NE |
1457809733 |
The Davis Archway HouseLBN: Davis Archway Centers For Addiction Treatment, Inc.
Butler, PA |
1750617668 |
Davis Archway Treatment CenterLBN: Davis Archway Centers For Addiction Treatment, Inc.
Emlenton, PA |
1780218594 |
Davis Behavioral Health IncLBN: Davis Behavioral Health Inc
Layton, UT |
1144872516 |
Davis, Ashleigh R
Fayetteville, NC |
1760258248 |
Davis, Bryant
Moroni, UT |
1932460102 |
Davis, Darnell
East Hazel Crest, IL |
1790131647 |
Davis, Matthew
Warren, OH |
1447726625 |
Davis, Sanetria
Desoto, TX |
1942962717 |
Davis, Sophie E
Youngstown, OH |
1710423488 |
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Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.