Respite Care Facility
- Respite Care, Mental Illness, Child
Respite Care Facility
NPI Lookup for Respite Care, Mental Illness, Child doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 1,180 respite care, mental illness, child organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
Community Specialized Services, Inc.LBN: Community Specialized Services, Inc.
Concord, NC |
1275677940 |
Community Support SolutionsLBN: Community Support Solutions
Edmonds, WA |
1033535208 |
Community Support Solutions IncLBN: Community Support Solutions Inc
Lake Alfred, FL |
1376058289 |
Comon, Francia
Boynton Beach, FL |
1407359953 |
Compass CovesLBN: Compass Coves
Trenton, NJ |
1942062252 |
Connection Point Services, LlcLBN: Connection Point Services, Llc
Virginia Beach, VA |
1871296657 |
Conner, Victoria L
Tucson, AZ |
1083048250 |
Connor, Lauren R
Wichita, KS |
1720582927 |
Continuity Of Healthcare Services, LlcLBN: Continuity Of Healthcare Services, Llc
Pittsburgh, PA |
1871103523 |
Contreras, Gilberto
Bellemont, AZ |
1093297392 |
Conway, Jermetra
Columbus, OH |
1548969587 |
Cornerstone Care Services LlcLBN: Cornerstone Care Services Llc
Newark, NJ |
1396598918 |
Cortland County Mental HealthLBN: Cortland County County Treasurer
Cortland, NY |
1518126549 |
Cortland County County TreasurerLBN: Cortland County County Treasurer
Cortland, NY |
1184316507 |
Cota, Margarita
Phoenix, AZ |
1386719862 |
Crain, Kathryn Sue
Yuma, AZ |
1386707305 |
Crawford, Charlotte
Buckeye, AZ |
1972052231 |
Creamer, Holly Marie
Russell, KS |
1457820086 |
Creative Change CounselingLBN: Creative Change Counseling
Lumberton, NJ |
1568240067 |
Creative Steps IncorporatedLBN: Creative Steps Incorporated
Philadelphia, PA |
1497159420 |
Crippen, Deborah
Tucson, AZ |
1225103815 |
Crossroads Community, Inc.LBN: Crossroads Community, Inc.
Centreville, MD |
1487248720 |
Crumble, Tatanisha
Indianapolis, IN |
1548900194 |
Cruz, Maria Concepcion
Tucson, AZ |
1780839993 |
Cunningham, Jamelia Cheri
Bedford, OH |
1790560688 |
Curry, Sadie
Glendale, AZ |
1518110063 |
Cynthia Coleman Job Coaching ServiceLBN: Cynthia Coleman Job Coaching Service
Memphis, TN |
1669058996 |
D & K Abundant Life LlcLBN: D & K Abundant Life Llc
Canton, OH |
1649024795 |
Project Hope GlobalLBN: D & Z Community Center Inc
Mullins, SC |
1366844912 |
Damper, Troy Lee
Phoenix, AZ |
1720302250 |
Daniel, Henry
Tucson, AZ |
1851556948 |
Daniel, Sandra
Tucson, AZ |
1609046994 |
Daniels, Darlene Doris
Casa Grande, AZ |
1336205210 |
Daradici, Jodi
Phoenix, AZ |
1548336811 |
Darby, Julia Ann
Phoenix, AZ |
1871847574 |
Darjune Foundation, Inc.LBN: Darjune Foundation, Inc.
Green Bay, WI |
1114485562 |
Davis, Dorothy J.
Gilbert, AZ |
1124296546 |
Davis, Juanita
Phoenix, AZ |
1053487330 |
Davis, Maryam Jalila
Glendale, AZ |
1972132421 |
Davis, Tracey A.
Tolleson, AZ |
1124268826 |
Dawes, Laura Ann
Tucson, AZ |
1508101478 |
Dawson, Jamie Roshun
Phoenix, AZ |
1023637345 |
Debra MelmonLBN: Debra Melmon
Mountain View, CA |
1710374665 |
DecreeLBN: Decree
Kannapolis, NC |
1194585596 |
Deems, Janine
Tolleson, AZ |
1639342637 |
Denali CrtLBN: Denali Crt
Doral, FL |
1326480872 |
Bring Back The HatsLBN: Denise Presley
Toledo, OH |
1700292604 |
Dennis-Shareef, Amanda Nikolee
Westland, MI |
1003503038 |
Denson, Tamika Janelle
Detroit, MI |
1801630256 |
Desert Angels Behavioral Health ServicesLBN: Desert Angels Behavioral Health Services
Tempe, AZ |
1326374760 |
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Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.