Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) health care providers in California
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 126,048 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In California, there are about 29,099 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
11821 Foothill Blvd | Los Angeles, CA | 1164767356 |
12 South Llc | Lake Forest, CA | 1154789766 |
2Nd Chance For Recovery | Los Angeles, CA | 1033522974 |
A Better Life | Pasadena, CA | 1568015774 |
A Better Way Life Coaching | Palm Desert, CA | 1467918409 |
A Brighter Day Recuperative Care Llc | Manhattan Beach, CA | 1376133108 |
A Brighter Day Recuperative Care Llc | Los Angeles, CA | 1588257570 |
A Hopeful Encounter, Inc | Fresno, CA | 1831760073 |
A Jerome, Sean | CADCII | Costa Mesa, CA | 1831884550 |
A New Solution | Van Nuys, CA | 1760860993 |
A New Start Treatment And Recovery Center | Los Angeles, CA | 1477967271 |
A Squibb, Andrea Arnold | Santa Monica, CA | 1770236887 |
A Touch Of Faith Resource Center | Sacramento, CA | 1447577598 |
Aamodt, Carrie Lynn | Visalia, CA | 1932661311 |
Aar Healthcare, Pc | San Marcos, CA | 1275124844 |
Aaron, Emory | CCAPP C4321214 | Los Angeles, CA | 1073980801 |
Aaron, Lisa | CASAC | Culver City, CA | 1356090849 |
Abacherli, Michael Robert | JD, RADT | San Jacinto, CA | 1235826983 |
Abad, Victor Ruben | El Cajon, CA | 1205562238 |
Abaekobe, Calista | Los Angeles, CA | 1205590338 |
Abair, Sean Duquay | Taft, CA | 1174084347 |
Abalos, Maira | Delano, CA | 1508452038 |
Abanico, Jazmine | Ventura, CA | 1851964613 |
Abarca, Israel Escobar | CAADE | San Francisco, CA | 1114126950 |
Abarr, Lisa Louise | South San Francisco, CA | 1669948725 |
Abasta, Edward Raymond | CAADAC | Pasadena, CA | 1932397791 |
Abatecola, Diana Paula | San Diego, CA | 1699985531 |
Abbadessa, Michaeli | Chico, CA | 1043602691 |
Abbey, Melissa Ann | Santa Cruz, CA | 1760039184 |
Abbondanza, Vincenzo | Santa Ana, CA | 1891573150 |
Abbott, Charlee | Redding, CA | 1184296204 |
Abbott, Valerie | Manteca, CA | 1912444399 |
Abdalla, Matelda | Redwood City, CA | 1215632781 |
Abdel-Haq, Susan | Oxnard, CA | 1053764399 |
Abdel-Wahab, Karim | Altadena, CA | 1699334250 |
Abdelkarim, Ashraf Jamal | Torrance, CA | 1790392876 |
Abdelmesih, Miriam | Wilmington, CA | 1225605215 |
Abdi, Omar | Los Angeles, CA | 1093304743 |
Abdul-Jabbar, Kimya | Palmdale, CA | 1316134224 |
Abdulmalik, Qayyum | Los Angeles, CA | 1023733284 |
Abell, Michael John | Eureka, CA | 1942823687 |
Abella, Erlinda G | COUNSELOR | Los Angeles, CA | 1639366479 |
Abellaneda, Janette | Los Angeles, CA | 1770772105 |
Abernathy, De Juana | Los Angeles, CA | 1679186035 |
Abernathybettis, Charles Earl | Grass Valley, CA | 1053027995 |
Abero, Sabrina Cayman Ponce | Lincoln, CA | 1760027049 |
Abeyta, Cynthia | Upland, CA | 1154516250 |
Abeyta, Sean Matthew | RADT | Clayton, CA | 1710634233 |
Abina, Nohemi | CADTP 17713 | Fresno, CA | 1194585885 |
Ablang, Julie | Grass Valley, CA | 1316315237 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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