Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) health care providers in Minnesota
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 126,048 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Minnesota, there are about 2,636 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
779 Riverside Recovery & Counseling Services | Edina, MN | 1437636131 |
A Encouraging Place Llc | Brooklyn Center, MN | 1316623663 |
A Way Out Recovery Inc | Shakopee, MN | 1255978490 |
Aalgaard, Ross Allen | DSW | Mankato, MN | 1275866253 |
Aanes, Michael | LADC | Baxter, MN | 1629490651 |
Aasen, Jeffrey Allan | LAPC | Edina, MN | 1942047048 |
Abide, Irene Callista | LADC | New Brighton, MN | 1205520509 |
Abraham, Alan A | ALCOHOL DRUG COUNSEL | Virginia, MN | 1013018480 |
Abuzzahab-Borstad, Nada Josephine | LADC | Minneapolis, MN | 1407002595 |
Accessability, Inc | Minneapolis, MN | 1306314406 |
Acero, Elias | LADC | Minneapolis, MN | 1205053501 |
Acosta, John Alex | LADC | Saint Paul, MN | 1497149553 |
Adams, Cassandra Jo | ADC-T | Virginia, MN | 1942821640 |
Adams-Beehler, Sherri | LADC | Aitkin, MN | 1801338116 |
Adap Consulting | Oak Park Heights, MN | 1881250785 |
Addiction Counseling Treatment Services | Gaylord, MN | 1376633743 |
Adeola, Kera | MA | Hopkins, MN | 1649823816 |
Adsem, Lauren | LADC | Minneapolis, MN | 1750711925 |
Advance Recovery Llc | Saint Paul, MN | 1235866930 |
Advanced Counseling, Llc | Plymouth, MN | 1801544721 |
Affolter, Allison | Cottage Grove, MN | 1174256960 |
Agape Counseling Center Llc | Windom, MN | 1063744662 |
Agaton Howes, Jeffery | MSW, LICSW, LADC | Cloquet, MN | 1184887267 |
Aghenu, Oladepe Abiola | New Brighton, MN | 1437643053 |
Agre, Lisa Ann | LADC | Willmar, MN | 1962127670 |
Ahmed, Fartun | LADC | Minnetonka, MN | 1801397302 |
Ahmed, Muhsin | LADC | Minneapolis, MN | 1447013321 |
Akinola, Taiwo | St. Paul, MN | 1164119129 |
Alaspa, Alana Lee | LADC | Duluth, MN | 1538675517 |
Albers, Heidi | LPCC, LADC | Coon Rapids, MN | 1619322450 |
Albert, Allison | LADC | Minneapolis, MN | 1518673268 |
Alcohol And Drug Assessment Services Llc | Edina, MN | 1851737910 |
Alderink, Pamela C | Saint Paul, MN | 1477029429 |
Ali, Fadumo | Minneapolis, MN | 1134862840 |
Align Health Care, Inc | Minneapolis, MN | 1881475283 |
All About You Recovery Counseling Services Llc | Savage, MN | 1770038101 |
Allar, Lynn Marie | LADC | Minneapolis, MN | 1114584760 |
Allen, Ellen Ashley | Sartell, MN | 1043069602 |
Allen, Theresa Mary | LADC | Stillwater, MN | 1437740354 |
Alley, Nathan Shaylor | LPCC, LADC | Elk River, MN | 1649781311 |
Alliance Clinic | Minneapolis, MN | 1124317516 |
Alugo, Emilia Ngodiere | LADC | Willmar, MN | 1144900333 |
Alvig, Allen Bruce | L.A.D.C. | New York Mills, MN | 1528423985 |
Amazing Grace Recovery Services, Llc | Saint Francis, MN | 1821584657 |
Ambassadors For Spiritual & Mental Wellness | New Ulm, MN | 1962940338 |
Ambrose, John | Coon Rapids, MN | 1881364008 |
American Rehab Services | Shakopee, MN | 1659843860 |
Amiot, Patrick Lee | Thief River Falls, MN | 1588143572 |
Anderly-Dotson, Amy Jo | L.A.D.C., L.G.S.W | Bemidji, MN | 1215119367 |
Andersen, Kelly | LADC, LPCC | Pine City, MN | 1932492907 |
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