Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) health care providers in Puerto Rico
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 126,048 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Puerto Rico, there are about 180 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Acevedo Rodriguez, Isamara | Gurabo, PR | 1386490993 |
Aleman, Gilberto | MHS | San Juan, PR | 1831617653 |
Aleman, Steven | MHS | Toa Alta, PR | 1558826313 |
Alonso-Roman, Edna Saranil | COUNSELOR | Juncos, PR | 1609337179 |
Alvarez, Pablo Jorge | MHS | Guaynabo, PR | 1790072940 |
Arzola, Martin | Ponce, PR | 1972856540 |
Badillo, William | Ponce, PR | 1952616641 |
Baerga, Ivette | MSW | Santa Isabel, PR | 1194037671 |
Barnes, Raquel | Ponce, PR | 1861745481 |
Bauza Cordero, Alejandro | CONSEJERO PROFECIONA | Rio Piedras, PR | 1114186285 |
Berrios, Ernesto J | M.P.H. | San Juan, PR | 1497050264 |
Bordado May, Kassandra Marie | LPRC | San Juan, PR | 1760089205 |
Burgos, Barbara L | BACH | San Juan, PR | 1518162999 |
Camacho, Glenda Y | Yauco, PR | 1558676213 |
Cancel, Javier Eugenio | TAC, PHD-C | Guaynabo, PR | 1780978411 |
Caraballo, Alberto | Guayanilla, PR | 1629461991 |
Caraballo, Mirta | Guayanilla, PR | 1194039271 |
Caribbean Therapeutic & Educational Group Inc. | Humacao, PR | 1659055341 |
Casa La Providencia, Inc. | San Juan, PR | 1750940094 |
Casado Isabel, Pedro | Bayamon, PR | 1093585507 |
Casillas Carmona, Angel David Sem | MHS | San Juan, PR | 1962263095 |
Castejon, Hiram L | Arecibo, PR | 1003655762 |
Castro, Carmen Montanez | TMD | San Juan, PR | 1689883167 |
Centro Ambulatorio De Desintoxicacion Y Enlace De Pr, Inc. | Ponce, PR | 1790087609 |
Centro Etaaa Corporation | Santa Isabel, PR | 1346969326 |
Centro Psicoterapeutico Integrado Sinergia | Guayama, PR | 1861158156 |
Cesa- Accesa Corp | Bayamon, PR | 1184832669 |
Cintron Perez, Tania Marie | DDS | Carolina, PR | 1548836885 |
Cintron Ruiz, Noel | MHS | San Juan, PR | 1336921956 |
Clavell, Madeline | SOCIAL WORKER | Mayaguez, PR | 1376989020 |
Colon Ortiz, Zoelys Esther | Ponce, PR | 1386425064 |
Colon, Erika | Juana Diaz, PR | 1851604417 |
Colon, Julia I. | MA | San Juan, PR | 1508985458 |
Colon, Sor Ortiz | MA | Las Piedras, PR | 1386800787 |
Cortes, Cynthia | Guayanilla, PR | 1225304702 |
Cruz Hernandez, Diana | Manati, PR | 1578733721 |
Cruz Rivera, Jose Enrique | MS | Carolina, PR | 1740511229 |
Cruz, Cesar E | MSW, TACIII, PHD(C) | Ponce, PR | 1790888121 |
Cruz, Irna Maysonet | MD | Arroyo, PR | 1275748618 |
Cruz, Maria Fatima | Coto Laurel, PR | 1104131952 |
Cruz, Norma Mercado | CAC IV #73881 | Aguadilla, PR | 1023557733 |
Cumba Vazquez, Grace M | Aguas Buenas, PR | 1245089580 |
De La Paz - Cpl, C.S.P. | San Juan, PR | 1497423628 |
De La Paz, Maria Isabel | CPL | San Juan, PR | 1679948228 |
Diaz Rios, Neftali | PH.D | Humacao, PR | 1811134091 |
Dra. Karina Quinones Lebron, Psc | Humacao, PR | 1467934075 |
Echandy Torres, Kathiushka Del Coral | Arroyo, PR | 1851073605 |
Elias, Laura J | ASSS | Aguadilla, PR | 1457474595 |
Embajadora By Innovation Inc | Carolina, PR | 1326686742 |
Espada, Marta M | Coamo, PR | 1326354556 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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