Other Service Providers / Specialist health care providers in New York
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 106,649 Other Service Providers / Specialist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In New York, there are about 25,324 Other Service Providers / Specialist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
- AL Alabama (1278)
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- MA Massachusetts (1833)
- MI Michigan (1906)
- MN Minnesota (1130)
- MS Mississippi (572)
- MO Missouri (997)
- MT Montana (243)
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- NV Nevada (579)
- NH New Hampshire (1189)
- NJ New Jersey (3624)
- NM New Mexico (678)
- NY New York (25324)
- NC North Carolina (2271)
- ND North Dakota (319)
- MP Northern Mariana Islands (1)
- OH Ohio (2563)
- OK Oklahoma (844)
- OR Oregon (1625)
- PA Pennsylvania (3632)
- PR Puerto Rico (1250)
- RI Rhode Island (335)
- SC South Carolina (1040)
- SD South Dakota (89)
- TN Tennessee (1873)
- TX Texas (5483)
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- VT Vermont (107)
- VI Virgin Islands (23)
- VA Virginia (1951)
- WA Washington (3745)
- WV West Virginia (429)
- WI Wisconsin (587)
- WY Wyoming (122)
Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
1016 5Th Ave Gynecology Pc | New York, NY | 1568838845 |
105 East 78 Street Medical | New York, NY | 1578852588 |
1155 Neuro Pain Services, Pc | Fresh Meadows, NY | 1306994959 |
123 Medical Group, P.C. | New York, NY | 1952745291 |
1957 Bronx Medical P.C. | Rego Park, NY | 1396008801 |
2 Feel Good Physical Therapy Pc | Forest Hills, NY | 1295974038 |
200 Broadway Physical Therapy Pc | Tarrytown, NY | 1467826602 |
315 Madison Wellness Medical Pllc | New York, NY | 1235849076 |
424 Orthopedics Llc | New York, NY | 1003215484 |
49Th Physical Therapy,Pc | New York, NY | 1982777280 |
51 Sandalwood Enterprises, Inc | Patchogue, NY | 1558348003 |
55 Sandalwood Enterprises Inc | Bronx, NY | 1083691539 |
5Borointervention Inc | Staten Island, NY | 1538528179 |
67Th Street Ob Gyn Pllc | New York, NY | 1801343736 |
873 Rt 45 Suite 102 Physical Therapy,Pllc | New City, NY | 1679845762 |
8Th Ave Ophthalmology Pc | Brooklyn, NY | 1326176249 |
A Balanced Approach Childrens Therapies Inc. | Holbrook, NY | 1902592827 |
A Basic Approach Llc | Rosedale, NY | 1154933620 |
A Family Urology Practice, Pc | Hastings On Hudson, NY | 1811934235 |
A Leon Brighter Future. Ii Llc | Bronx, NY | 1780424812 |
A Nurturing Start, Llc | Brooklyn, NY | 1902160054 |
A Plus Center | Monroe, NY | 1134526031 |
A&I Physicians Pllc | Floral Park, NY | 1629213772 |
A-1 Surgical And Medical Supplies Inc | Garden City, NY | 1922207901 |
A-1 Surgical And Medical Supplies Inc | Hempstead, NY | 1154528180 |
A.Amerimed Physician, P.C. | New York, NY | 1356348981 |
A.Amerimed Physician, P.C. | Brooklyn, NY | 1235136862 |
A.Amerimed Physician, P.C. | Forest Hills, NY | 1558368183 |
A.G. Kalafatic, M.D., Pllc | Bethpage, NY | 1063722148 |
A.M. Early Start Inc | Fresh Meadows, NY | 1689230153 |
Aa Comprehensive Medical Care Pc | Bronx, NY | 1730921917 |
Aaaaar Construction Of Orthopedic Appliances Inc | Brewster, NY | 1770648545 |
Aaron, Kerry Ann | Fairport, NY | 1669735197 |
Aaronson, Bracha | SPECIAL EDUCATOR | Brooklyn, NY | 1790279800 |
Aaronson, Gayle R | SPECIALIST | New York, NY | 1457772329 |
Abad Avila, Kerly Loraine | New York, NY | 1194403287 |
Abagnalo, Liana Marie | Staten Island, NY | 1730693219 |
Abante, Aimee | PT | Brooklyn, NY | 1497293948 |
Abate, Patricia | MS.ED, BCBA, LBA | New York, NY | 1447673280 |
Abate, Rachel | Albany, NY | 1649796996 |
Abbadessa, Lisa | BA | White Plains, NY | 1164830980 |
Abbas, Syeda A | Woodside, NY | 1023427580 |
Abbate & Sharaby Md Pc | Brooklyn, NY | 1841406493 |
Abbate, Alicia | Holtsville, NY | 1891031571 |
Abbate, Anthony D | MD | Brooklyn, NY | 1962477018 |
Abbatiello, Kathryn M. | M.S. | West Islip, NY | 1750643045 |
Abbondola, Giorgianna | M.S.ED. | Hawthorne, NY | 1215344072 |
Abbott Anesthesiologist Associates Pc | Buffalo, NY | 1902025513 |
Abbott, Tracy | Cheektowaga, NY | 1447511688 |
Abdalla, Mai | DPT | Brooklyn, NY | 1245261916 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
Go to page:Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.