Other Service Providers / Specialist health care providers in West Virginia
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 106,649 Other Service Providers / Specialist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In West Virginia, there are about 429 Other Service Providers / Specialist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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- VA Virginia (1951)
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- WV West Virginia (429)
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Abdel-Latif, Murshid Khader | MD | Morgantown, WV | 1235327404 |
Abdulmalek Sabbagh Md | Weston, WV | 1225099658 |
Aboushaar, Yusr | MD | Charleston, WV | 1477503027 |
Abraham, Nazem | MD | Huntington, WV | 1215906961 |
Accelerated Learning Lab Llc | Parkersburg, WV | 1568798445 |
Adams-Beymer, Brittany Leigh | MD | Huntington, WV | 1114213816 |
Advanced Hearing Solutions, Inc. | Elkins, WV | 1730573866 |
Ahmad, Naushaba | MD | Huntington, WV | 1558364059 |
Ahmed Husari, Md, Inc | Morgantown, WV | 1366531287 |
Alcantara, Frederick Manalo | MD | Fairmont, WV | 1942493812 |
Alecto Healthcare Services Fairmont Llc | Fairmont, WV | 1497157127 |
Alfredo C Velasquez Md Pllc | Charleston, WV | 1194028373 |
Ali Suleiman Md Inc | Beckley, WV | 1861693202 |
Allen, Amy E | MPT | Ronceverte, WV | 1396821302 |
Allen, Heather A | MPT | Ronceverte, WV | 1871679803 |
Alrabadi, Anmar Naser | MD | South Charleston, WV | 1730314998 |
Appalachian Anesthesia Associates Inc. | Beckley, WV | 1346230877 |
Appalachian Family Medicine | Hurricane, WV | 1093892127 |
Arbor Medical Associates, Pllc | Elkins, WV | 1568548485 |
Archer Massage And Wellness | Grafton, WV | 1982071866 |
Arrhythmia Treatment Associates, Pllc | Charleston, WV | 1841210101 |
Arumuganathan, Thanigasalam | MD | Ranson, WV | 1578597498 |
Ashir, Mohammad Abdullah | MD | Oak Hill, WV | 1104817956 |
Associated Cardiology Pllc | Charleston, WV | 1093771982 |
Associated Dermatology, Inc | Parkersburg, WV | 1619159183 |
Associated Pathologists Of Huntington, Inc. | Huntington, WV | 1942203443 |
Associated Specialists, Inc | Bridgeport, WV | 1790116341 |
Associates For Women'S Health | Buckhannon, WV | 1407918113 |
Azzo Orthopedics, Pllc | Bluefield, WV | 1598829541 |
Azzo, Walid Hikmet | MD | Bluefield, WV | 1679508337 |
Baird, Robert R. | PT | Elkins, WV | 1396748026 |
Baker, Lori | CNP | Martinsburg, WV | 1760837975 |
Bassam N Shamma, M.D., Pllc | South Charleston, WV | 1750594529 |
Beckley Area Medical Clinic, Inc | Beckley, WV | 1982764908 |
Beckley Gastroenterology | Beckley, WV | 1578554432 |
Beckley Pain Clinic Llc | Beckley, WV | 1114236247 |
Bensenhaver, Calvin | DPT | Moorefield, WV | 1710269865 |
Betty A Goad Md Pllc | Charleston, WV | 1578605846 |
Bluefield Gastroenterology Pllc | Princeton, WV | 1093869968 |
Bluefield Hematology/Oncology Associates, Inc | Bluefield, WV | 1477665610 |
Body Kneads Llc | Logan, WV | 1356715429 |
Borchert, Christopher Alan | MD | Weston, WV | 1245276658 |
Boring, Kevin C | MPT | Gassaway, WV | 1174637805 |
Bower, Jessica E | DPT | Ronceverte, WV | 1104902113 |
Boykin, Angela | PHD | Huntington, WV | 1598757783 |
Braley & Thompson | Dunbar, WV | 1760679021 |
Braunlich, Earl Fritz | MD | Wheeling, WV | 1205811130 |
Brendemuehl, Judith | M.D.0 | Logan, WV | 1932268067 |
Bridgeport Physical Therapy Services, Inc. | Bridgeport, WV | 1912086158 |
Britt, Lori M | L.M.T. | Parkersburg, WV | 1558497420 |
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