Other Service Providers / Specialist health care providers in South Carolina
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 106,649 Other Service Providers / Specialist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In South Carolina, there are about 1,040 Other Service Providers / Specialist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Abraham, Michael | ATC | Fort Mill, SC | 1306297346 |
Academia Llc | Bluffton, SC | 1053199638 |
Achieve Md | Greenville, SC | 1710313242 |
Adams, Joneen Mary | MS | Georgetown, SC | 1285116152 |
Advanced Medical Solutions Ii, Llc | Myrtle Beach, SC | 1710572961 |
Advanced Pain Therapies, Llc | Hartsville, SC | 1154539278 |
Advanced Surgical Associates | Conway, SC | 1821048448 |
Ahmad, Brianna | SPECIALIST | Columbia, SC | 1033801949 |
Aiken Cardiovascular Associates, P.C. | Aiken, SC | 1548324874 |
Aiken Obstetrics And Gynecology Associates, Pa | Aiken, SC | 1427160845 |
Alday, Michael A | MD | Spartanburg, SC | 1720059066 |
Alexander, John | Columbia, SC | 1316143746 |
Allen, William Baker | MD | Columbia, SC | 1700856218 |
Allen-Gibbs, Joanna | Rembert, SC | 1306464532 |
Allergic Disease And Asthma Center | Spartanburg, SC | 1124283437 |
Allergic Disease And Asthma Center, Pa | Greenville, SC | 1164687489 |
Allison-Simpkins, Cynthia | NMT | Beaufort, SC | 1336462894 |
Alpha Medical | North Charleston, SC | 1992032304 |
Alpha Medical | Summerville, SC | 1366779779 |
Alston, Yvette Oralee | Elgin, SC | 1487368031 |
Amarnath, Rathnasabhapathi P | MD | Charleston, SC | 1154375707 |
Ambulatory Anesthesia, Llc | Spartanburg, SC | 1386695351 |
American Drug Testing, Inc. | Charleston, SC | 1104507672 |
Anderson Bone And Joint Clinic Pa | Anderson, SC | 1285643973 |
Anderson, Perrin Deandre | CERTIFIED HAIR LOSS | Orangeburg, SC | 1689333668 |
Andrew P Harakas Md Pa | Gaffney, SC | 1881604965 |
Anesthesia Services Of Charleston | Charleston, SC | 1730258997 |
Annette Bilton Anderson, Md | Charleston, SC | 1124201702 |
Ansley, John Fitzgerald | MD | Orangeburg, SC | 1790733590 |
Arashinagundi, Siddesha | MD | Greenville, SC | 1841388410 |
Armstrong, Brian Athan | MD | Isle Of Palms, SC | 1235167784 |
Arnett, Marion L | MD | Spartanburg, SC | 1669433710 |
Arthritis Care & Therapy Center | Spartanburg, SC | 1558541094 |
Ashford, Eursel Nicole | COSMETOLOGIST | Columbia, SC | 1578078663 |
Ashford, Lakisha Martesa | CERTIFIED HAIR LOSS | Columbia, SC | 1447754288 |
Ashley Oaks Ob Gyn | Charleston, SC | 1225118672 |
Aswad, Marwan Al | MD | Myrtle Beach, SC | 1689945651 |
Asy Absolute Wellness Clinic, Llc | Columbia, SC | 1285922336 |
Au Medical Associates Inc | Aiken, SC | 1760150221 |
Augusta Oncology Associates, P.C. | Aiken, SC | 1871147454 |
Augustine Health Group, Llc | Lexington, SC | 1881903938 |
Averch, Timothy D | MD | Columbia, SC | 1578535977 |
Ayodele, Ayotunde Kofoworola | MD | Rock Hill, SC | 1902887706 |
Bailey, Markel | Goose Creek, SC | 1447815378 |
Bailey, Preston F. | ED. S. | Chesnee, SC | 1740625110 |
Bailey, Reginald | Chester, SC | 1265282164 |
Ball, James | MD | Charleston, SC | 1235199092 |
Ballard, Walter Daniel | CERTIFIED PEDORTHIST | Greer, SC | 1194776294 |
Bamonte, Terri | Columbia, SC | 1841636016 |
Barbara B Ullman | Columbia, SC | 1477712602 |
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