Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics health care providers in Michigan
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 9,377 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Michigan, there are about 141 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Acker, Robyn | Pinckney, MI | 1194921791 |
Aho, Monica Anne | PT | Houghton, MI | 1487157103 |
Alvord, Amanda | DPT | Midland, MI | 1144719170 |
Araujo, Brenda Yvonne | DPT | Kalamazoo, MI | 1386896918 |
Arbor Autism Centers Allied Health Llc | Ann Arbor, MI | 1508438219 |
Avery, Michele Lynn | Macomb, MI | 1225668759 |
Baase, Jenna | PT | Midland, MI | 1457138315 |
Baldwin, Joan E | RPT | Flint, MI | 1902051584 |
Baldwin, Lisa Ann | PT | Royal Oak, MI | 1508368622 |
Banks, Jordyn | Grand Haven, MI | 1225873961 |
Barnes, Karen Double | OTR | Lansing, MI | 1245702760 |
Barnett, Alison J | PT | Whitmore Lake, MI | 1588732853 |
Benavides, Laura Kathleen | PT | Rochester Hills, MI | 1396927950 |
Bocketti, Mariah Kathryn | PT | Lansing, MI | 1164027199 |
Bridge, Leah Anne | Grand Rapids, MI | 1942877105 |
Bridges Spectrum Therapy Llc. | Shelby Township, MI | 1154070118 |
Brinkey, Lori | Ann Arbor, MI | 1043714546 |
Broussard, Cleon Sherrill | PT | Tecumseh, MI | 1013992577 |
Carl, Kristin N | Macomb, MI | 1891325684 |
Casebolt, Michele Lee | Chesterfield, MI | 1386203651 |
Casedy, Amy Lynn | Ann Arbor, MI | 1396247193 |
Cato, Jenna | PT | South Lyon, MI | 1003532433 |
Children'S Therapy Solutions, Inc. | Grand Blanc, MI | 1902008212 |
Church, Torre | PT | Detroit, MI | 1336630292 |
Clinard, Rebecca Leigh | PT | Kalamazoo, MI | 1285287730 |
Coulombe, Jaimie Lee | PT | Grand Rapids, MI | 1316285190 |
Cueny, Deanna Lynne | PT | Highland, MI | 1801220306 |
Dean, Briana | DPT | Grand Rapids, MI | 1154040533 |
Deneff, Erica | PT | Okemos, MI | 1720537749 |
Deroo, Katie | D.P.T. | Grand Rapids, MI | 1700283249 |
Dobbertien, Maria Margaret | MSOTRL, LMT | Battle Creek, MI | 1093103020 |
Dodds, Terra May | MPT | Saint Johns, MI | 1336819580 |
Downey, Janet L. | PT | Flint, MI | 1417082595 |
Durling, Lori | PT | Lansing, MI | 1851863013 |
Dziergas, Michelle | PT | Taylor, MI | 1003655267 |
Evancho, Andrea Darlene | MPT | Lansing, MI | 1215438841 |
Functional Kids Therapy Center Llc | Springfield, MI | 1578951380 |
Goncalves, Sarah Margaret Cardy | PT | Rochester Hills, MI | 1316386105 |
Granito, Cibele Maziliauskas | PT | Muskegon, MI | 1043465149 |
Great Lakes Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Inc. | Sterling Heights, MI | 1982674040 |
Great Lakes Pediatric Therapy | Frankenmuth, MI | 1497526271 |
Grier, Rebecca Lynn | PT | Grand Rapids, MI | 1437756632 |
Grooms, Emma | Cadillac, MI | 1952062218 |
Hallstrom, Kirsten Etka | PT | Ann Arbor, MI | 1144567520 |
Harrington, Andrew Gene | PT | Grand Haven, MI | 1386093169 |
Hawkins, Christine Nicole | DPT | Midland, MI | 1053691170 |
Hecker, Kara Anne | PT | Royal Oak, MI | 1801579982 |
Herman-Hilker, Sherry Lynn | P.T., M.S. | Ann Arbor, MI | 1346455250 |
Holden, Ashleigh | PT | Grand Rapids, MI | 1801463732 |
Hollebeek, Robin Joy | PT | Grand Rapids, MI | 1255833067 |
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