Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics health care providers in Mississippi
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 9,377 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Mississippi, there are about 48 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Baldwin, Victoria Wood | DPT | Starkville, MS | 1356695910 |
Bennett, Aubrey Louise | PT | Ridgeland, MS | 1942789383 |
Bmd Enterprises, Inc. | Ocean Springs, MS | 1073634424 |
Brown, Rachel Ann | DPT | Biloxi, MS | 1740672666 |
Clark, Alisha Shavon | PT | Southaven, MS | 1942637012 |
Coastal Plains Interagency Coordinating Council | D'Lberville, MS | 1962739722 |
Cooper, Kimberly Garrett | RPT | Brandon, MS | 1174721047 |
Creative Connections, Pllc | Summit, MS | 1407270333 |
Custer, Emily | PT | Vicksburg, MS | 1427404284 |
Dandelion Pediatric Therapy, Llc | Madison, MS | 1053080382 |
De Jong, Megan | Ridgeland, MS | 1467932608 |
Dendinger, Meredith Lott | PT | Jackson, MS | 1518309442 |
Desoto Family Counseling Center Pllc | Southaven, MS | 1912214792 |
Desoto Familycounseling Center | Southaven, MS | 1114469640 |
Diercks, Tracy Rene | PT | Diamondhead, MS | 1740242619 |
Dill, Bethany B. | PT | Ocean Springs, MS | 1447371877 |
Donnell, Kellye Branch | PT | Flowood, MS | 1417423211 |
Dragon Pediatric Therapy | Biloxi, MS | 1689067456 |
Dragon, Kalyn Mcnair | DPT | Biloxi, MS | 1184976037 |
Easterling, Karla | DPT | Flowood, MS | 1740835008 |
Fayard, Malinda C. | PT | Ocean Springs, MS | 1386115160 |
Footprints Pediatric Therapy, Pllc | Hattiesburg, MS | 1245786797 |
Freudenberg, Kari | Southaven, MS | 1245871664 |
Gaude, Patricia Elsa | PT | Natchez, MS | 1679607675 |
Grimes, Regina Lynn | PT | Houston, MS | 1255355947 |
Kolvites, Virginia Claire | DPT, PCS | Hattiesburg, MS | 1730416678 |
Kosko, Susan Ward | DPT | Ridgeland, MS | 1477921906 |
Lampton, Nicole | PT | Foxworth, MS | 1841628575 |
Laskin Therapy Group, P.A. | Ridgeland, MS | 1629145255 |
Leonard, Melissa D. | PT | Southaven, MS | 1609109164 |
Lott, Rachel Tyrone | PT | Southaven, MS | 1336758267 |
Mcclanahan, Mckenzie Alexandra | DPT | Horn Lake, MS | 1417560913 |
Mcphail, Andrea Tennessee | DPT | Ridgeland, MS | 1073840500 |
Milestone Therapy, Llc | Carriere, MS | 1194052290 |
Oliver, Rebecca Jane | DPT | Ocean Springs, MS | 1598002685 |
Optimum Pediatric Therapy, Llc | Natchez, MS | 1831453687 |
Performing Arts Center | New Albany, MS | 1851761647 |
Prosser, Karlee Stewart | DPT | Starkville, MS | 1619565306 |
Rehabilitation Consultants | Jackson, MS | 1609127083 |
Slaughter, Janet P. | DPT | Jackson, MS | 1629367735 |
Smith, Robin Powe | PT | Olive Branch, MS | 1669496451 |
Sporty Sprouts Inc | Brandon, MS | 1780978502 |
Sullivan, Madeline Klaire | DPT | Magee, MS | 1831882976 |
The Baulch Center, Llc | Nettleton, MS | 1275204968 |
Thornton, Tracie Lee | DPT | Hattiesburg, MS | 1376916544 |
Through The Roof Pediatric Therapy | Hernando, MS | 1225414717 |
Williamson Shappley, Tommie J | Hattiesburg, MS | 1891007522 |
Woodcock, Elizabeth Anne | PT | Ridgeland, MS | 1659500445 |
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