Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics health care providers in Pennsylvania
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 9,377 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Pennsylvania, there are about 342 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Pediatrics health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aba Abilities Llc | Pittsburgh, PA | 1164093217 |
Aba Support Services Llc | Bethlehem, PA | 1548841257 |
Accordino, Nicole A | Hermitage, PA | 1598384869 |
Advanced Pediatric Therapy Llc | Bridgeville, PA | 1811633399 |
Adventure Time Pediatric Therapy & Learning Center, Llc | Grove City, PA | 1699108530 |
Alfery, Catherine | PT | Cheswick, PA | 1932161270 |
Alfiero, Jennifer E | PT | Allentown, PA | 1215620687 |
Altshuler, Jill E | Merion Station, PA | 1528291044 |
Angeli, Theresa Mercedes | Philadelphia, PA | 1326111469 |
Anthony Marziano Jr Bsc Mpt Pc | Wynnewood, PA | 1437156817 |
Appleton, Aimee Nicole | MPT | Eagleville, PA | 1871732636 |
Atwell, Gina M | DPT | Altoona, PA | 1417077868 |
Augustine, Raymond Roy | DPT | Erie, PA | 1033987409 |
Azzam, Valerie | Wexford, PA | 1174973283 |
Baldasari, Christina Marianna | L.P.T. | Perkasie, PA | 1760519110 |
Ballerini, Stephen | MPT | Philadelphia, PA | 1912108614 |
Barilla, Taylor Marie | DPT | Whitehall, PA | 1417447384 |
Barnhill, Jamie Ellen | DPT | Houston, PA | 1922330265 |
Barry, Kathryn Ann | DPT | Churchville, PA | 1912113721 |
Beautiful Beginnings Child Development Services Llc | Cranberry Twp, PA | 1366087306 |
Bentsen, Kelli Donahue | Erie, PA | 1063550002 |
Bergbauer, Diana L | PT | Media, PA | 1063758969 |
Berger, Christine Symonds | PT | Orefield, PA | 1902956576 |
Berlin, Cindy T. | PT | Mercer, PA | 1013137462 |
Bibby, Tonya | PT | Windber, PA | 1528420635 |
Blackman, Lesley | MSPT | Norristown, PA | 1770799181 |
Blady, Jaclyn | PT | Eagleville, PA | 1477797389 |
Blum, Susan M | PT | Windsor, PA | 1760680680 |
Bohanan, Jean L | PT | Wilkes Barre, PA | 1831321736 |
Bonawitz, Kayla | York, PA | 1720860927 |
Bonk, Megan Gwendolyn | Erie, PA | 1306499223 |
Bossola, Kelly | PT | Coraopolis, PA | 1811177322 |
Bottion, Claudia Essig | PT | West Chester, PA | 1235214248 |
Boyer-Derback, Elizabeth | Whitehall, PA | 1376829408 |
Boyle, Kathleen Marie | Pennsburg, PA | 1316128721 |
Brandt, Jennifer | PT | Elwyn, PA | 1578812954 |
Braverman, Staci Jill | PHYSICAL THERAPIST | Philadelphia, PA | 1174644777 |
Brighton, Jessica | Feasterville Trevose, PA | 1780274795 |
Brust, Deborah | Munhall, PA | 1861823775 |
Brutschea, Helena | Camp Hill, PA | 1801557780 |
Burns, Jamiylah Sika | PHYSICAL THERAPIST | Philadelphia, PA | 1043334303 |
Bush, Jessica Diane | DPT | Chester Springs, PA | 1639125586 |
Buwalda, Sarah Elizabeth | DPT | Chambersburg, PA | 1073199147 |
Cacciotti, Kris | MPT | Altoona, PA | 1487046827 |
Campbell, Elizabeth Kemeny | PT | West Chester, PA | 1598044695 |
Campbell, Gabriela | DPT | Philadelphia, PA | 1962022079 |
Canterino, Rachel Johanna | PT | Wynnewood, PA | 1609094556 |
Capable Kids Llc | Hermitage, PA | 1386079200 |
Carey, Colleen Doody | PT | Ambler, PA | 1760607337 |
Carpenter, Tami | Pennsburg, PA | 1124299961 |
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