Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Rehabilitation Practitioner health care providers in Florida
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 19,114 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Rehabilitation Practitioner doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Florida, there are about 164 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Rehabilitation Practitioner health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Abbie V. Woodard, Ms Ccc-Slp, Inc. | Quincy, FL | 1659502797 |
Adrian Lewis, M.D.,P.A. | Gainesville, FL | 1407988249 |
Advanced Recovery Rehab Corp. | Miami, FL | 1114515319 |
All-Star Therapy, Inc | Largo, FL | 1003930942 |
Allied Healthcare Associates, Pa | Key West, FL | 1124154232 |
American Quality Rehab Agency | Miami, FL | 1376656272 |
Atlantic Rehabilitation Center | Davie, FL | 1003973967 |
Atlantic Rehabilitation Center | Aventura, FL | 1366509200 |
Atlantic Rehabilitation Center, Corp. | Pembroke Pines, FL | 1346307295 |
Aviles Cintron, Merab | Kissimmee, FL | 1295330744 |
Axel Rehabilitation Services Llc | Fort Myers, FL | 1851080972 |
Barnes, Stephanie Gayle | RH.D | St Petersburg, FL | 1376150276 |
Barrett, Patricia Ann | ATP RET | Tallahassee, FL | 1881836468 |
Bell Education Center, Inc | Miami, FL | 1760770895 |
Boatwright, Stephen F | M.S.H. | Jacksonville, FL | 1891928842 |
Bravo, Diana Y | OTR | Weston, FL | 1700907078 |
Brewer, Jamie L | LMT,MMP | Brandon, FL | 1407312622 |
Caceres Muskus, Juan | MD | Miami Beach, FL | 1609993195 |
Capeles-Herrera, Leany | Orlando, FL | 1245008689 |
Caraballo, Yara M | Kissimmee, FL | 1194309112 |
Casanova - Gonzalez, Carmen | Kissimmee, FL | 1023498615 |
Cascades Therapy Services Inc | Tallahassee, FL | 1467979963 |
Catholic Health Services Inc | Lauderdale Lakes, FL | 1770960742 |
Celtic Enterprize Inc | Hawthorne, FL | 1578182457 |
Collazo, Patricia Del Mar | Kissimmee, FL | 1538813134 |
Community Rehab Services, Inc. | Fort Myers, FL | 1700843414 |
Cruz, Christian | Kissimmee, FL | 1326796509 |
Cunningham, Sean Patrick | ATC | West Palm Beach, FL | 1881243533 |
Dang, Nicholas | MD | Delray Beach, FL | 1629137310 |
Dasta Gonzalez, Jeffrey | Kissimmee, FL | 1801521588 |
De Oliveira, Debra Ann | Margate, FL | 1003969205 |
Denoff, Frank | CSCS | Deltona, FL | 1538668322 |
Diaz, Ivan | Kissimmee, FL | 1205536893 |
Disabled And Able Bodies, Inc. | Miami, FL | 1023272184 |
Dominga'S Therapy Services Ptr Pa | Fort Lauderdale, FL | 1457549719 |
Dominguez, Leslie E. | Saint Cloud, FL | 1578777082 |
Early Steps Program - Early Steps Program | Miami, FL | 1639217409 |
Eden Rehab And Spa Inc | Miami, FL | 1962702647 |
Espinet, Michelle E | Kissimmee, FL | 1225701634 |
Fajardo, Emery E | Odessa, FL | 1568117141 |
Ferrara, Filomena Felicia | ED.S., PH.D./ABVE/D | Tampa, FL | 1467674838 |
Ferrer, Ana Cristina | Saint Cloud, FL | 1508583428 |
Florida Health Clinic Inc | Coral Gables, FL | 1821380080 |
Fontanez, Juan Carlos | Kissimmee, FL | 1962129395 |
Freedom Rehab Llc | Port Charlotte, FL | 1457724171 |
Fres Therapy Services Inc | Lutz, FL | 1124118443 |
Functional Cognition Clinic, Llc | Saint Petersburg, FL | 1184466187 |
Galloway Rehabilitation Center Inc | Miami, FL | 1972599413 |
Gamble, Bruce | Miami, FL | 1811364680 |
Gierbolini, Hector Jose | Saint Cloud, FL | 1588387278 |
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