Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Rehabilitation Practitioner health care providers in New York
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 19,114 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Rehabilitation Practitioner doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In New York, there are about 171 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Rehabilitation Practitioner health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
42Nd Street Physical Medicine & Rehabilitaion,P.C. | New York, NY | 1609906114 |
A1 Medical Center Inc | New York, NY | 1699296632 |
Adamkiewicz, Lauren | E-RYT 200 E-RPYT | Brookhaven, NY | 1477135762 |
Adams, John | Kirkwood, NY | 1447665591 |
Advanced Medical Healthcare, P.C. | Woodside, NY | 1659697407 |
Advanced Rehabilitation Medicine Pllc. | Port Jefferson, NY | 1598855058 |
Ahava Medical And Rehabilitation Center, Llc | Brooklyn, NY | 1184878274 |
Alan Ng Medical Rehabilitation Pc | Elmhurst, NY | 1538325691 |
Ameduri, Clifford J | MD | Rochester, NY | 1114005360 |
Ammendola, Michael | Albany, NY | 1316445398 |
Anand, Sima | MD | Plainview, NY | 1609939362 |
Aqua Swim Llc. | Spring Valley, NY | 1376391136 |
B Baron Inc | Woodmere, NY | 1144711599 |
Baker, Shana Ann Marie | Rochester, NY | 1447618137 |
Balas, Nikolas Ryan | Coram, NY | 1801322375 |
Bartels, Matthew | MD | New York, NY | 1093844532 |
Bayliss, Lisa Sharon | OTR | Miller Place, NY | 1235180787 |
Benjamin Bieber Md | Howard Beach, NY | 1437412897 |
Bishop, Biddy Sherman | MA | Huntington, NY | 1659453124 |
Boland, William M. | CES, NPRT, CPT | New York, NY | 1336266337 |
Bourdeau, Fritzner | MD | Brooklyn, NY | 1013112531 |
Brandes, Jonathan | MD | Nyack, NY | 1447272901 |
Campana, John | Albany, NY | 1346748852 |
Carey, Corinne | Massapequa, NY | 1396414884 |
Carfi, Joseph | MD | Lake Success, NY | 1962455709 |
Castilla-Brooks, Chiara | MS | Lake Grove, NY | 1952792277 |
Chichester, Florence | LMHC, CRC, BCPC | Farmingdale, NY | 1962910935 |
Choi, Howard | M.D., M.P.H. | Mount Vernon, NY | 1851369789 |
Collins, Ronald Leopold | MD | Brooklyn, NY | 1700818143 |
Comprehensive Physical And Occupational Therapy Associates, Pllc | New York, NY | 1487710919 |
Coutu, Douglas J | Brooklyn, NY | 1851535249 |
Cox, Maura Beth | RYT | Massapequa, NY | 1720627235 |
Deeb, Lorraine M | MS ED | Staten Island, NY | 1932447273 |
Depinho, Patricia | RYT | Massapequa, NY | 1578102083 |
Dinzey, Diana Gissell | Bronx, NY | 1083995906 |
Dito, Christopher | Lindenhurst, NY | 1073044459 |
Divita, Ryan | TEACHER | East Amherst, NY | 1811626419 |
Dobson, Richard C | MD | Rochester, NY | 1396786968 |
East Coast Rehabilitation Inc | Bronx, NY | 1477570315 |
Eldridge, April | Watertown, NY | 1396396537 |
Elite Orthopedic And Rehabilitation Pc | Newburgh, NY | 1225703788 |
Everhardt-Thompson, Janeen Yvette | Albany, NY | 1235638214 |
Faculty Practice Associates Mount Sinai School Of Medicine | New York, NY | 1891053336 |
Fetkenhour, Douglas R | MD | Rochester, NY | 1326023128 |
Fine, Gregory Fitzgerald | Merrick, NY | 1548853708 |
Flanagan, Steven | MD | New York, NY | 1962470815 |
Flushing Rehab Medical, Pllc | Flushing, NY | 1407057110 |
Frieden, Richard A | MD | New York, NY | 1326016254 |
Fuel The Soul, Inc | Merrick, NY | 1629661897 |
Galipeau, Therese | Rochester, NY | 1811341514 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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