Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist health care providers in California
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 179,355 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In California, there are about 25,925 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
4 Behavior Change | Torrance, CA | 1881255412 |
7 Cycles Of Life | San Ramon, CA | 1417528480 |
A & A Psychological Services, Inc. | Glendale, CA | 1205245271 |
A & S Innovations Llc Dovewood Recovery Haven | Fresno, CA | 1801581145 |
A And B Psychotherapy, Inc | Newport Beach, CA | 1275304511 |
A Beautiful Life Psychology Group | Woodland Hills, CA | 1497925820 |
A Beautiful Life Psychology Group, Inc. | Los Angeles, CA | 1144367954 |
A Brighter Day Recuperative Care Llc | Manhattan Beach, CA | 1376133108 |
A Brighter Day Recuperative Care Llc | Los Angeles, CA | 1588257570 |
A Caring Mind, Inc | Lancaster, CA | 1003191263 |
A Center For Self & Relationship Development, Inc. | Huntington Beach, CA | 1235280751 |
A Clinical Psychology Practice Inc | Palm Desert, CA | 1235350570 |
A Corporate Referral Center Inc | Pasadena, CA | 1740245489 |
A Gheytanchi Phd, A Psychological Corporation | Santa Monica, CA | 1265138630 |
A Hopeful Encounter, Inc | Fresno, CA | 1831760073 |
A Is For Apple | San Jose, CA | 1578891925 |
A Mind Above, A Professional Psychology Corporation | Fresno, CA | 1669039327 |
A Nd T Hope 4 Change | Modesto, CA | 1972138386 |
A Net Therapy | Signal Hill, CA | 1801651690 |
A New Path Family Therapy, Pc | La Mesa, CA | 1487308672 |
A New Path Psychotherapy, Apc | La Mesa, CA | 1043979347 |
A Psychological Corporation | Los Alamitos, CA | 1841208790 |
A Road Through A Marriage & Family Therapy Corporation | Los Angeles, CA | 1619719663 |
A Sober Choice | Emeryville, CA | 1083194674 |
A.M.P. Autism Inc | Encino, CA | 1780140574 |
Aabeca Holistic Psychological Services Inc | Berkeley, CA | 1598868028 |
Aaen, Tanya Renee Burley | PH.D. | Martinez, CA | 1477518561 |
Aamot, Jack G. | PSY | Napa, CA | 1770711210 |
Aap Dan Litov Phd | Los Angeles, CA | 1497893291 |
Aaronson, Barry Louis | PSYCHOLOGIST | Irvine, CA | 1851501787 |
Aba Basics, Inc. | Huntington Beach, CA | 1215433131 |
Aba Bears, Inc | Alta Loma, CA | 1083057335 |
Abaci And Massey Pain Management | Los Gatos, CA | 1487975199 |
Abaci And Massey Pain Management Center A Medical Corporation | Los Gatos, CA | 1487758074 |
Abalo-Dehmer, Elena Margarita | PH.D. | Anaheim, CA | 1942406368 |
Abarbanel, Alice | PH.D. | Albany, CA | 1598095002 |
Abary, Brian Medina | PSY | Los Angeles, CA | 1538354832 |
Abaryan, Tatevik | PH.D. | Pacoima, CA | 1952682619 |
Abascal, Liana | PH.D. | San Diego, CA | 1073740569 |
Abbene, Melody Nicole | PSYD | Burbank, CA | 1457786717 |
Abbey, Richard D | PH.D. | Palo Alto, CA | 1730377649 |
Abbey, Stephanie C | PH.D. | Palo Alto, CA | 1548819600 |
Abbeyfield Psychotherapy Inc | Long Beach, CA | 1356613210 |
Abbott, Michael Kelly | PSYD | Modesto, CA | 1346498151 |
Abdalla, Jessica | PHD | Walnut Creek, CA | 1558069211 |
Abdallah, Mohamed | PSY | El Centro, CA | 1912430851 |
Abdallah-Fliers, Yasmen | RN | Vista, CA | 1215102306 |
Abdolrashidi, Megan Kaye | PSYD | Gilroy, CA | 1093293094 |
Abdullah, Keri Ann Prins | PH.D. | San Diego, CA | 1699840587 |
Abdullatif, Qutayba | PH.D. | Pasadena, CA | 1134667751 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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