Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist health care providers in Georgia
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 179,355 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Georgia, there are about 3,425 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
4500 Medical Associates Llc | Alpharetta, GA | 1508257114 |
A Healing Paradigm Llc | Atlanta, GA | 1881991404 |
A New Dawn Turning Point, Llc | Marietta, GA | 1972943066 |
A New Start Counseling Center Inc | Fayetteville, GA | 1477619195 |
A Therapeutic Experience | Augusta, GA | 1841958733 |
A. Benjamin Eubanks, Md, Llc | Atlanta, GA | 1477814242 |
A. Shayne Abelkop Ph.D. Pc | Watkinsville, GA | 1043357874 |
A. T. L. Psychotherapy And Consulting Services | Atlanta, GA | 1831752146 |
Aaron Karnilow Phd Pc | Alpharetta, GA | 1760640528 |
Aatre-Prashar, Geeta K | PSYD | Cumming, GA | 1932243334 |
Abelkop, Adrian Shayne | PH.D. | Watkinsville, GA | 1548254196 |
Aberth Inc | Atlanta, GA | 1144436007 |
Abner, Deborah R | Augusta, GA | 1427515949 |
Abramovich, Evelyn | PH.D. | Marietta, GA | 1467474346 |
Access Evaluations | Martinez, GA | 1881371326 |
Access Mental Health Agency | Atlanta, GA | 1023431210 |
Accord Psychological Associates | Marietta, GA | 1649441361 |
Accordia Counseling Solutions | Fayetteville, GA | 1518290857 |
Acker, David William | PHD | Waycross, GA | 1154359263 |
Ackerman, Christopher | PH.D | Cedartown, GA | 1699989020 |
Ackerman, Mark D | PHD | Atlanta, GA | 1376651653 |
Acomb, John | Marietta, GA | 1043740772 |
Adams, David B. | PH.D. | Atlanta, GA | 1598781023 |
Adams, Katharine Susan | PHD | Valdosta, GA | 1093379786 |
Adams, Kimberly A. | PH.D. | Covington, GA | 1164735247 |
Adams, Laura | PSY | Decatur, GA | 1295154417 |
Adams, Ocean | Columbus, GA | 1023783891 |
Adams-Pelham, Kristin Shea | PSY | Bainbridge, GA | 1689437428 |
Adamson, Lee Anne | PH.D. | Ellenwood, GA | 1881039550 |
Adelle Burnsed-Geffen, Ph.D. | Savannah, GA | 1235308545 |
Adelman, Andrew | PH.D. | Atlanta, GA | 1144688599 |
Adelson, Emiliya | PH.D. | Alpharetta, GA | 1275176307 |
Adelstein, Ana | PH.D. | Atlanta, GA | 1881778967 |
Adkins, Patricia Kieley | PH.D. | Royston, GA | 1619034584 |
Adler, John M | PHD | Savannah, GA | 1689786865 |
Adrian Janit Psychlsvcs Llc | Augusta, GA | 1598042111 |
Adrian Janit, Phd, Llc | Martinez, GA | 1174946842 |
Adult And Child Psychological Services | Columbus, GA | 1831234103 |
Advancing Youth'S Academy, Inc | Alpharetta, GA | 1588914824 |
Advent Care Systems Of Ocilla, Llc | Ocilla, GA | 1982227781 |
Affiliated Psychological & Medical Consultants, Llc | Gainesville, GA | 1174601348 |
Affiliated Psychological Services, Pc | Cumming, GA | 1619202918 |
African American Task Force For Substance Abuse Prevention | Newnan, GA | 1952562605 |
Afton M. Burt, Ph.D., P.C. | Gainesville, GA | 1649442260 |
Agape Community Integrated Health Systems, Inc | Atlanta, GA | 1578090601 |
Agape Community Integrated Health Systems, Inc | College Park, GA | 1265161053 |
Agape Community Integrated Health Systems, Inc. | Atlanta, GA | 1194072652 |
Agoston, Anna Monica | PHD | Atlanta, GA | 1477009462 |
Aguirre, Maria Sophia | PH.D. | Atlanta, GA | 1629384763 |
Ahmed, Anthony Olufemi | PH.D. | Augusta, GA | 1598991598 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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