Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist health care providers in Missouri
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 179,355 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Missouri, there are about 2,388 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
A Life Transformation Center, Llc | Springfield, MO | 1396020095 |
A New Lens Psychological Services, Llc | Kansas City, MO | 1497427496 |
A T Still University Of Health Sciences | Kirksville, MO | 1164484887 |
Abanes, Jocelyn N | PSY | Columbia, MO | 1013270578 |
Abel, Jennifer L. | PH.D. | Saint Louis, MO | 1265654057 |
Abels, Arnold V | PHD | Kansas City, MO | 1225194772 |
Abloff, Richard | PHD ABPP | Kansas City, MO | 1528270683 |
Abramson, Hillel | PH.D. | St. Louis, MO | 1265659478 |
Academy For Counseling & Change Ltd | Kansas City, MO | 1528148269 |
Access Counseling Network | Independence, MO | 1568672079 |
Access Counseling Solutions, Llc | Webb City, MO | 1669236634 |
Accion Social Comunitaria / Hispanic Latino Community Social | Saint Louis, MO | 1861668212 |
Adamo, Dustin Bryce | PH.D. | O Fallon, MO | 1164760062 |
Adams Consulting And Counseling, Llc | Columbia, MO | 1871826099 |
Adams, Linds | PH.D. | Columbia, MO | 1356513105 |
Adams, Rhiannon | PSY | Kansas City, MO | 1639573371 |
Adams, Richard C | PSYD | Bolivar, MO | 1205925427 |
Adams, Steven Brian | PSY | Lebanon, MO | 1821176074 |
Adelman & Associates, Inc | Versailles, MO | 1689773335 |
Adelman, Steven J | PSYD | Versailles, MO | 1619954864 |
Adkins, Ann Gelene | PSY | Saint Louis, MO | 1972666808 |
Advanced Behavioral Psychologists Inc | Saint Louis, MO | 1174818868 |
Affirming Care Psychotherapy Llc | Kirkwood, MO | 1679346647 |
Akbari, Fatemeh | PLP | Wentzville, MO | 1013798420 |
Akeson, Steven Troy | PSY | Springfield, MO | 1992897169 |
Alberty, Jennifer J. | PSY | Joplin, MO | 1881783066 |
Albinson-Robertson, Lauren Faye | PSY | Saint Louis, MO | 1821404211 |
Albrizzi, Jacqueline | Saint Louis, MO | 1972191898 |
Alevy, Mitchell Alan | PH.D. | Saint Louis, MO | 1699752584 |
Alhashem, Hussain | PLP | Union, MO | 1538713540 |
All Action Contractors | Kansas City, MO | 1437327426 |
Allan, Carla | PHD | Kansas City, MO | 1154628444 |
Allen Lischwe, Jennifer | PHD | Saint Louis, MO | 1538606728 |
Allen, Brittany Jean | PHD | Springfield, MO | 1043474778 |
Allen, Jane C. | PH.D. | Saint Louis, MO | 1518068220 |
Allen, Jimmie Dean | ED.D | Saint Joseph, MO | 1174640544 |
Allen, Kaylie Thomas | PH.D. | Saint Louis, MO | 1841667029 |
Allen, Keith Loren | PHD | Kansas City, MO | 1477615698 |
Allen, Seth R | EDD, LP | Springfield, MO | 1407036254 |
Allen, Shirley Summer | PH.D. | Columbia, MO | 1578545216 |
Allen, Tanda Joy | MS | Kansas City, MO | 1427349356 |
Allen, Thomas W. | ED.D. | Chesterfield, MO | 1609812049 |
Alliance Mental Health Llc | Nevada, MO | 1093043481 |
Allied Mental Health Associates, Inc. | Nevada, MO | 1144205527 |
Allison, Kelsey Anne | PSYD | Raymore, MO | 1326763343 |
Alvarez, Alexander Scott | PH.D. | Saint Louis, MO | 1982992020 |
Alvernaz, Dominic Curt | PLP | Windsor, MO | 1801489752 |
Amelia Davenport, Concinnity Group | Blue Springs, MO | 1043421480 |
American Health & Analytics Llc | Saint Louis, MO | 1831836865 |
Amity Mental Health | Gladstone, MO | 1134974355 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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