Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist health care providers in Hawaii
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 179,355 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Hawaii, there are about 1,300 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Psychologist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aaron Kaplan, Ph.D., Inc. | Honolulu, HI | 1548432842 |
Abel, Tomas | PH.D. | Honolulu, HI | 1427348465 |
Acceptance And Healing Llc | Honolulu, HI | 1801574959 |
Achaval, Maria Ferrer | PSY | Honolulu, HI | 1609921972 |
Acklin, Marvin Wilson | PH.D. | Honolulu, HI | 1902961840 |
Acoba, Frances | PSY | Tripler Army Medical Center, HI | 1093907883 |
Acquaro, Franco | PHD | Kamuela, HI | 1073842415 |
Adair-Leland, Jean | PH.D. | Honolulu, HI | 1952341224 |
Adam-Terem, Rosemary Carol | PHD | Honolulu, HI | 1427170356 |
Adams, Angela Lynn | PSYD | Tripler Army Medical Center, HI | 1235283110 |
Adams, Jason Ryan Kealii | PH.D. | Hilo, HI | 1659652444 |
Adrianna Flavin Phd Llc | Makawao, HI | 1356796528 |
Advantage Psychological Center, Inc. | Honolulu, HI | 1043379811 |
Ahina-Dawson, Leilani Kathleen | PSYD | Honolulu, HI | 1497852529 |
Ahonui Psychological Services Llc | Waimanalo, HI | 1962978692 |
Aileen T. Playter, Llc | Aiea, HI | 1073244638 |
Ainoa Psychological Services Llc | Ewa Beach, HI | 1225528631 |
Akamine, Hale | PH.D. | Honolulu, HI | 1508819053 |
Akiyama, Kevin Mamoru Chom Duk | PSY | Waianae, HI | 1487974838 |
Alaimalo, Mavis M | PSYD, CSAC | Aiea, HI | 1154378768 |
Alaka'I Na Keiki, Inc. | Honolulu, HI | 1720125032 |
Alameda, Christian Kimo | PHD. | Hilo, HI | 1164651790 |
Albertson, Lynn | PH.D. | Honolulu, HI | 1629096888 |
Albornoz, Stephanie | Keaau, HI | 1891027926 |
Alethea, Barbara | PSYD | Waimanalo, HI | 1326064072 |
Alethea, Inc. | Waimanalo, HI | 1306151139 |
Alethea, Sarah Wayan | PSY | Waimanalo, HI | 1083166482 |
Alexander Bart, Sheila Moana Marie | PSY | Honolulu, HI | 1124156278 |
Alexander, Lisa | PHD | Tripler Army Medical Center, HI | 1275264608 |
Allana Wade Coffee Phd, Llc | Honolulu, HI | 1558012146 |
Allison Seales, Llc | Laie, HI | 1053609958 |
Allman, Kathleen C | PSY | Honolulu, HI | 1366591232 |
Allman, Lawrence R. | PHD, ABPP | Tripler Amc, HI | 1043272909 |
Aloha Counseling Associates, Llc | Waipahu, HI | 1669802765 |
Aloha Ocean Clinic, Llc | Ewa Beach, HI | 1962832592 |
Altschul, Eliot Benjamin | PH.D. | Lahaina, HI | 1144664582 |
Alyssa Tao, Psy.D. Llc | Honolulu, HI | 1568240232 |
Amaxopoulos, Apostolis | PSY | Honolulu, HI | 1124567151 |
Ambrose, Timothy Kemp | PH.D. | Pahoa, HI | 1003913435 |
Ambrosino Ho, Lisa Wai Mui | PSY | Honolulu, HI | 1841418548 |
Amerson, Efland H. | PSYD | Honolulu, HI | 1356393235 |
Ampolos, Lauren Elaine | PHD | Kahului, HI | 1013392364 |
Amy Wassman Psyd Llc | Honolulu, HI | 1992208086 |
Andaya Yasso, Cheryl K.C. | PSY | Honolulu, HI | 1376670406 |
Anderson, Laura Sprague | PSYD | Kapaa, HI | 1134460926 |
Andjelic, Mimi | PSYD | Waianae, HI | 1053779785 |
Andres, Chrislyn Rachel | Waimanalo, HI | 1407541329 |
Andrews, Jennifer | PH.D. | Honolulu, HI | 1952661670 |
Andrews, Laura Dolman | PSY | Honolulu, HI | 1619374170 |
Andrieu, Brenda Joyce | PH.D. | Ewa Beach, HI | 1114970605 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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